Thursday, September 16, 2010

More exciting things to come!

Today is Thursday, our lay in day. So very nice to have a relaxing day to get things sorted through. However, I was just talking to my roommate Megan and days like today are going to be hard to find in the upcoming weeks. We have 4 final papers we have to start researching/writing that are due end of October and many trips coming up fast. We will be traveling to Donegal, Ulster American Folk Park and Belfast, each for a day in the next weeks. In addition to a week in Dublin! Then we are finished with classes end of Oct and have a week to "finish papers" and then we move on to our placements for a month.

We just found out yesterday where most of us will be at for our placements. I was very excited to find out that I will be going to my first choice, back to the Corrymeela Center.  This is where we spent our first week and I can't wait to go back to. My roommate, Megan will be going as well. We will be working at the Christian reconciliation center either with groups or doing various tasks for the center. Either way I can't wait to go back.

I also wanted to show one more picture I forgot to put up yesterday. This is a group shot of Becca, myself, Sean (our Corrymeela/Belfast friend), and Megan! We had a great time in Belfast look forward to many more enjoyable times with Becca and Megan on our travels afterward.

Wishing you a good end to the work week in the states! (Enjoy the warm weather for me!)


  1. Hey Amanda...Glad to hear about your job placement! couldn't ask for a better one huh? As for the picture of you girls and Sean, I notice he has his arm around you girls. Tell him to watch it and don't make me come over there!

  2. Hey me you don't need to worry about Sean, we are all good friends and hopefully that won't be the last time we get to meet up. But yes, I am very excited to start at Corrymeela!
